Floods can happen anytime, anywhere, so it's important to know the hazards that may exist for your property and what steps you can take to prepare your property and your family to reduce the risks of flood damages.

Flooding can occur during storm events, such as hurricanes, or from heavy rainfall associated with storms. Erosion and ocean overwash are hazards along the Atlantic Ocean, and soundside flooding is also a concern in many areas. Low-lying properties may be particularly susceptible to flooding due to poor drainage due to soil conditions or a lack of ditches.

Please contact the Dare County Planning Department today to determine what hazards may exist for your property and if your property is in a flood zone as established on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the county. The staff will be happy to discuss flood issues with you and may have important information regarding historical flooding of your neighborhood and other hazards affecting the property. There is no fee for this service. 

Onsite visits to discuss mitigation activities can also be arranged. Dare County Planning Department staff is also available to discuss the increased cost of compliance (ICC) program and other types of programs for mitigation assistance.